Tentative Job Offer Without Interview Follow- Up

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If I'm wrong about that please let me know today or tomorrow. " They close the file and that's it. They figure, "If this manager could interview me and then ignore me for three weeks, I don't want to work for her anyway. " No matter how long your drip-marketing campaign continues, you will not appear desperate if you don't feel desperate, and you won't feel desperate if Elizabeth is just one of a dozen hiring managers you have met. The more interviews you can go on, the better. Interviews are fantastic backbone-stiffening exercises, whether you want the job or not. They teach you a lot about yourself and other people. Sometimes a job interview can turn into a consulting engagement, and the money you earn in the consulting engagement can give you the confidence to keep interviewing with other organizations without feeling that you have to take the job just to pay your bills. We are all consultants now. Elizabeth may be wise enough to snap you up right away, or the poor thing may miss out if she's too slow to act -- but you cannot control her actions, no matter how hard you try, and the last thing you want to do is waste your precious mojo worrying about her decision.

Tentative job offer without interview follow us on twitter

That's the value that interview gave you, and that may be all you needed to fill up your mojo fuel tank to keep going. When I started consulting in 1997, I soon saw that the best way to deal with any prospective-client meeting (whether the meeting seemed to go well, or not) was to follow up and then to forget about it. Sometimes the meetings that seemed to go badly were the ones that turned into consulting gigs! Elizabeth does not get to decide how you run your job search or how you feel about yourself. She is just one of a million hiring managers in pain. I'd drop a voicemail or email message on her once a week for five or six weeks and then, if you still have the inclination, maybe drop her a line every two or three weeks after that. Some job-seekers prefer to drip two or three times and then to leave a voicemail message that says, "Hi, Elizabeth. This is Casey Jones -- we met about your Marketing Coordinator position a few weeks back. I assume you've filled that job so I'm going to close the file.

We'll count the voicemail message you've already left as that first piece of drip marketing. By now you've had time to send out another 10 or 12 Pain Letters, and doing that is the best way to calm your post-interview nerves. Don't wait for this particular manager to make you an offer or contact you about a second interview. Maybe s/he will, and maybe s/he won't. You don't control that, but you do control two important things: • The number of new irons you put in the fire -- make it a high number! and • Your perspective on the great interview you had. It was a great interview -- that's all. It doesn't mean you can or should expect to have another interview or to get the job. The lower your expectations and the more you keep your job-search engine going, the more any further contact from Elizabeth will show up as a welcome surprise, and that's the way you want it. Never slow down, much less stop, your job-search engine until you sign an offer letter (and arguably, not even then). The great interview with Elizabeth reminded you that you are smart and capable.

Tentative job offer without interview follow- up contact

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"Know that people love it when you pay attention to them and understand what they may need help with. " Space out the follow-ups When you're unemployed or frantic about your income, 24 hours can feel like… forever. But in the business sense, it isn't much time—even if we are quarantined. Before you shoot off one email after another to 'check-in', executive career coach Elizabeth Pearson suggests taking a pause and thinking of the receiver. Chances are high they are stuck at home caregiving for their children, while trying to balance their gigs. Or, their partner was recently furloughed from his or her work and they're scrambling to figure out how to pay their mortgage. Times are tough—and patience is always appreciative. The golden rule, Perarson says is a full five-business-day stretch. "Following up every day or every other day can make you come off as desperate and disrespectful of the hiring manager's time, " she explains. " If they haven't reconnected after a week, it's safe to send an email or text—whichever they said their preferred form of communication. "

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July 20, 2021